Category Archives: media

Comparing the US and EU electricity markets

Electricity markets have been restructured in many countries around the globe. There is a variety of different designs, and the differences can significantly affect our ability to handle new challenges, such as integrating high levels of renewables. What are the … Continue reading

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Why America’s power grid needs natural gas now more than ever

This week on, an article I wrote with David Spence: Now that the Obama administration has finalized its Clean Power Plan regulating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the power sector, the focus of attention turns to the states, which … Continue reading

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Flexible thermal resources to balance renewable production

In the current IEEE Power & Energy Magazine, (“Flexibility and Availability,” November/December 2014, p. 104), I discuss the future need for increased use of flexible thermal resources to help balance renewable production. Natural gas-fired generation has a special role because … Continue reading

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